Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#MoreofPLUS – Size Diversity in Entertainment

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68.5% of adults in America are overweight or obese –

Yet less than 1% of lead characters in film and tv are plus size!

Because of the significant lack of plus size representation within the media, PLUS+ is launching the #MoreofPLUS – Advocating for Size Diversity in Entertainment.  This campaign wants to encourage decision makers in the industries to create more opportunities for plus size talent, as well as encourage plus size talent to pursue their dreams.

The Size Diversity Challenge

Art imitates Life – But NOT when it comes to size diversity in entertainment! 68.5% of adults in America are overweight or obese – Yet less than 1% of lead characters in film and tv are plus size talent.

Lack of Size Diversity Effects

  • According to (NEDA) Natl Eating Disorder Association  impossible standards of beauty (lack of size diversity) in media contributes to the development of body dissatisfaction and a drive for thinness (Not a drive to be healthy – but a drive to be thin) which is one of the most well know risk factors for eating disorders

The Goal

  • Encourage Entertainment decision makers to be inclusive of different body types by creating more opportunities for plus size talent.   We want them, to show that everyone has story worth telling (no matter their race, orientation, gender, or waist size)

How You can Help

  • In Social Media Share photos/Videos of your favorite plus size talent (and why) using the hashtag #MoreofPLUS, tag @PlusPositivity in your posts and we will share the best responses!
  • Nominate your favorite plus size celeb/person of influence to be featured in a #MoreofPLUS article
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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Looking for Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options? #WorkIt with Ashley Stewart!

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Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork You know, one thing that has consistently been called out from you is the lack of business appropriate, wear-to-work options! And as the seasons change, it’s time to get back to business and change up the wardrobe for fall and guess who is here to help you make it work? Ashley Stewart has launched their #Workit series, giving us a few fun pieces to mix and match and to build up our plus size suiting and wear to work options!

While my day to day life may be more casual, I always have a suit handy for whatever the reason. A meeting, a professional mixer, JUST in case, I have one handy! And the beauty of a suit? Not only can you rock them together, but you can also break it apart and wear each piece with other items in your wardrobe! This is one of the reasons why I always recommend a great suit as part of your essentials for your closet!

But back to the clothes! There is something about rocking and owning a suit. You feel boos, sharp, polished and ready to take on the world (or is that just me?) But, Ashley Stewart offers stylish staples that are perfect for mixing and matching, to create one of a kind look no matter how hard it is to open your eyes on a Monday morning! Hehehe Are you ready to see a few options? Well, take a peek!

Looking for Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options? #WorkIt with Ashley Stewart!

Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Plus Size Suiting and Wear to Work Options with Ashley Stewart on #TCFWork Ashley Stewart Work it

Do you see what I mean? I have to admit, ever since Ashley Stewart has changed directions, this attention to suiting, their Dare to Bare lingerie, and fashion options have been making my head turn!- right?!? I find myself in more and more pieces from their stores!

With their varied options, you can efficiently and effectively put together a fun wardrobe without breaking the bank! Whether it is the blazer, skirt, and pant, these give us the options to fashionably fine tune our signature wear to work style! And while you are looking and feeling like a boss, make sure you tag #WorkIt so Ashley Stewart can see you!

Here’s to rocking looks look that take us from the desk to dinner without skipping a beat.

You can shop all of these looks Now at Ashley!

So before taking that morning coffee meeting, starting a new gig or asking for a raise, put your best curve forward and show them you’re a boss as soon as you walk through the door!

Which pieces do you have? Dig? Want more of? Let’s chat!

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If I Could Change One Thing as a Child

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Pardon me as I get a little emotional with y’all.

IMAG1617As a military child, I was always thwarted into new situations, being the new kid on the block. Sometimes this meant being the dorky kid, the dark skinned black girl (living on the island of Okinawa and then in Hawaii, I was chocolate!), the thick girl, and quite a few varied descriptors, and these all affected how I saw myself, valued myself, and presented myself.

Add to the mix that I was a people pleaser, dealing with repressed emotions of abandonment from my father, then at 13 being sent away by my mother to live with my grandmother, which was both a blessing and a curse. From 13- 18 ish, I lived in fear of an aunt who called me every name under the sun when my nanna was not home. Add to the fact that my step-father was no longer allowed to see or speak to us (with my mother’s divorce), emotionally I was on edge.

A moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips.
No MAN will ever want you.

Daily, Monday through Friday, every day after school until my nanna came home from work.  These words were drilled into me.

IMAG1608 (1)I was 13/14, in high school in a new city, having to learn how to perfect the blank, stoic face, how to mask my feelings and emotions in the face of fear. I learned how to minimize my feelings, emotions, thoughts, and myself for self-preservation. My uncle taught me to keep the blank face, because then I couldn’t get in trouble for anything I said or did. I gave her nothing, while I felt everything. I found extra things to do after school with Mrs. Mubashir or with my girls Jamila and Kenya, to prolong my going home.

Iwas terrified. I was sad. I felt small. I felt ugly. I felt worthless.

I had never been so verbally attacked, especially from someone who I just wanted to love me for me. At 14, I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me? What did I do wrong? Was I not smart enough? Why won’t she love me? Were my looks really that bad? (It is hard not to tear up as I write this)

So I worked harder.

11111516_601042679997104_768268118_nStrived to be that perfect student, over-achiever, trying my best not to get into trouble (it still happened, though). Trying to prove a point to whomever that I was good, that I was smart, that I was pretty, that I was something… Doing so, I sought attention with men who weren’t worthy, friends who weren’t loyal, and activities that mayyyy not have been the best for me. As I look back, I was calling out for something. Love.

But what I really needed was to learn self-love, self-esteem, a positive self-image of myself and how to best express my feelings, AND to KNOW, that they were, that I was, valid.

IMAG1610I am only NOW, unpacking these feelings. While I have forgiven and moved past, I never really realized how this had affected my view of myself, my relationships- in every aspect. This is what I learned as a child: Insecurity.

It is amazing that some of our first encounters with how we see ourselves come from someone so close, whom we hold in high regard, and look up to. As a child, we seek validation from these women and men in our life as we become to adopt their lens as ours. From there, our peers, and then the media. And if you are given a skewed sense of beauty as a child, you grow up looking at life, yourself, and others through these lens, if you aren’t careful.

For me, I minimized myself, thought little of my attractiveness, of my contributions, always feeling the need to do, give, and be more. Not realizing that I was ALREADY WORTHY. That my crooked smile, thick thighs, medium brown skin, weave or no weave having self, was already worthy. That my affinity for words, my goofy ways, my thoughts, my words, and my mind was worthy to be loved. That I was beautiful, no accident, and perfectly imperfect.

Marie Denee - USA (

If I could change one thing about myself as a child, it would have been to KNOW that I am worthy. That my tallness made me regal, that my thoughts and words mattered, that my feelings and emotions were valid, that my skin color, hair, curves all made me who I am, ON purpose.

When Dove asked me to participate in sharing this message for their Dove Self-Esteem Project, it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. As I shared earlier, I am at a place in my life where I am unpacking emotional baggage that I had suppressed for years, not even knowing where this sense of smallness, inadequateness, fear of successes and the fear of emotional intimacy came from.

A new film from Dove encourages girls to realize they don’t need to change one thing about their appearance! Change One Thing, offers a glimpse into the pressure girls feel to alter their appearance which can negatively impact their self-esteem. Take a quick watch…

If I could change one thing about myself as a child?

I would say, nothing. Nothing, with the understanding and knowing that I am perfectly imperfect. That I was created on purpose, crooked smile, nerdy ways, goofy demeanor, all boobs, thighs, and legs.

Had I have known that, I think the words would have rolled right off my back. That I would have been able to advocate for myself a bit better. That I would have rejected words, spirits, and energies into my space. I suppose I would have been a bit more… stronger.

But then again, everything happens for a reason, right?

So here I am, sharing my story, hoping that my words reach, touch, and inspire others to share and be cautious of their own negative self-talk, how they speak life(words are so powerful) into their kids and extended family members, all with the help of the Dove Self-Esteem Project.

Why the Dove Self- Esteem Project?

Did you know that research shows that 9 out of 10 girls want to change at least one thing about their appearance; which can cause her to abandon activities that she once loved? Fortunately, Dove believes that everyone has the opportunity to make a difference in a girl’s self-esteem. Our goal, with this new campaign, is to encourage girls to find confidence in their beauty and inspire women to embrace the power and ease of mentorship to help the girls in their lives reach their full potential.

Will you join me in helping the young girls? You may even be moved and inspired yourself! I invite you to check out the free resources and conversation starters over on Pinterest! Pin and share these images, quotes, and statistics to show off and share! And while you are over on Pinterest, take a peek at my board and share a few things too!

Follow The Curvy Fashionista’s board Inspire me to be better on Pinterest.

Everyone can make a difference to a girl’s self-esteem.


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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Got Knits?

Moschino Knit @ Asos €185
X Factor is at bootcamp stages which can only mean that Saturday nights in front of the fire with a glass of vino are upon us. Keeping cosy is perfect for weekend nights in and with the right knit wear you can be ready to rock to the pub after X Factor without even changing!
Hipster Jumper, €50, River Island
With DDs, I'm fussy about jumpers. Big boobed babes should stay away from the hipster shape in a thick knit like the one above. The good news is - anyone with small boobs this jumper is perfect for you! Curvy girls look out for jumpers with a scooped neckline and a non-elasticated hem like the ones below from Asos. 
Asos Curve, €39.81
French Connection@ Asos, €82.46
A knitted poncho is perfect to both keep warm and look smart. 
< table al ign="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;">iClothing, €45
Nobody will ever see the pizza stained t-shirt you have on underneath. 
iClothing, €45
There is a good chance you might roast your boobs off in your local pub in a knitted poncho, so if you want the look but not the hot flushes, River Island have this lightweight jumper alternative.
Slouchy Fine Knit, River Island, €40
For something slightly dressier, a knitted dress is comfy, cosy and classy. have a sale on knitwear until midnight TONIGHT! Use cod e WRAPST AR at the checkout. This turtleneck dress comes in both black and grey and with 20% off - we should probably get both.
€27,, before discount
I know it's slightly cheating as it's not exactly knit, but this top was in the "knitwear sect ion" and was too fab not to feature. Let's ALL GET ONE!
€21.33, Asos, BARGAIN
It's time to ditch the onesie and get cosy in some proper knitwear this year, you never know - Simon Cowell himself might be calling round!

K x

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Friday, September 25, 2015

Fashion Blogger Spotlight: Vivi of Heart, Print, and Style

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Happy Friday!  Are you stepping up your fall fashion game?  We hope you’re finding plenty to get inspired by over here at The Curvy Fashionista.  A great source of style inspiration can be other bloggers, so we’re always happy to introduce you to more fabulous plus size bloggers.  Last week, you met Austrian blogger Jasmin of Finding Fate.  This week, we’re back here in the States, with Washington DC based blogger Vivi of Heart, Print and Style.  Through her blog, Vivi shares her personal style, style inspiration, television and runway fashion, sports talk, and  more!  She is a plus size blogger YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!

Meet Vivi of Heart, Print, and Style!

Plus Size Fashion Blogger Spotlight- Vivi of Heart, Print, and Style on #TCFStyleBlog:
Location:   Washington D.C.

How long have you been blogging?  5 years

What or who inspired you to become a fashion blogger? What led you to it?
It was a combination of two things:
1) My sister. She was heavily into reading personal blogs and fashion blogs. Especially, fashion, y’know, for style inspiration. She stumbled upon Gabi’s blog (at the time, Young, Fat, and Fabulous) and immediately told me about her. Since she knew I loved style and liked blogging (I had a personal blog), she thought it would be good to combine both.
2) I was laid off a year prior and finally came to a point when I needed another outlet. So my sister’s idea kind of clicked. And…here we are.

Do you blog full-time, for fun, as a hobby? Share your evolution!
I blog for fun and as a hobby. I’m sure a lot of folks in my life wished I took it a bit more seriously aka making it a business/brand. But that’s just an overwhelming thought right now. However, I’ve been making eensy weensy strides towards making my blog a brand. It’s a start.

Plus Size Fashion Blogger Spotlight- Vivi of Heart, Print, and Style on #TCFStyleWhat is your favorite asset? Your legs, arms, waist? How do you play that up?
My favorite asset is my smile. I show it off a lot throughout my photos.

What are the challenges, if any, you face regarding being plus size?
I’m 5’5″, average height. My challenge is finding items that can complement my apple shape (most of my weight is shifted to the middle). This mostly comes into play with pants/jeans. A constant struggle.

What’s your favorite thing about being plus size?
Honestly, knowing that, yes, I do have style and, at times, can outshine anyone in the room despite my size. On the shallow side, I do love my DD boobs.

What’s your favorite thing about being a blogger?
My favorite thing about being a blogger is having a platform to express myself in a multitude of ways. Besides being into style and showcasing my plus size style, I love the NBA, going to events, watching TV, doing recaps of award shows, etc. So I try to inject those interests into my blog from time to time.

Plus Size Fashion Blogger Spotlight- Vivi of Heart, Print, and Style on #TCFStyleWho/what are your favorite designers/brands?
ASOS, Old Navy, Simply Be, and Torrid (mostly for W/WW stylish footwear), Elie Saab (A wish of mine is to have a custom dress). However, most of my clothes are from thrift stores, consignment stores or vintage boutiques.

Describe your personal style.
Simplistic with a hint of color/print.

Which bloggers inspire you? Plus or straight size! Any bloggers currently on your radar?
It changes each year! Shoo, sometimes monthly!

Okay, right now, it’ll be:

  • Atlantic-Pacific
  • The Werk! Place
  • Beauticurve
  • From the Rez to the City
  • A Loyal Love
  • 2 Scoops of Life & Style (Nikki displays her style more on her Instagram page)

What do you think about where plus size fashion is today versus a few years back?
Oh it’s getting so good. Yeah, there are still a few stores/brands that treat us like shit. Besides that, for the most part, I’m loving it. More options, more styles! New plus size designers popping up here and there. It’s been nice to witness the change during my time as a lifestyle blogger. Five years is a long time but within the fashion industry, it’s pretty darn short. So such a quick change within that time frame is a good thing to be proud of. And honestly, thanks to us, plus size bloggers and readers, for guiding that change.

Plus Size Fashion Blogger Spotlight- Vivi of Heart, Print, and Style on #TCFStyleWhat do you think or hear from readers, is one of the biggest myths about plus size fashion?
That our style can’t be inspiring. That our style can’t match up with those from the straight size world just because of our body type. That’s insane to me. I derive inspiration from both plus size and straight size. I can easily look at a straight size style and become inspired. I can easily look at their pieces and quickly find something similar in the plus size world. But you mean to tell me a straight size woman can’t derive inspiration from what a plus size woman is wearing? That’s bs.

Are you working on anything or have anything to share? Anything else you want The Curvy Fashionista’s readers to know?
I guess the only thing I’m working on is evolving from my blog into a brand. Besides that, nothing on the horizon.

I’m on multiple social media platforms:
Instagram – @heartprintandstyle
Twitter – @Vivi_HPS
Facebook – /heartprintstyle
Pinterest – /heartprintstyle

Plus Size Fashion Blogger Spotlight- Vivi of Heart, Print, and Style on #TCFStyleLastly, what does Curvy.Confident.Chic mean to you?
I believe that’s what I embody. When I head out of my door, I know that I’m a curvy/plus size woman, who appears confident outwardly and inwardly (an everyday process), and whose style is chic and on point.

Be sure to check out Vivi’s blog at Heart, Print and Style!

Do you dig her style? Which look is your fave? Let’s talk about it below!!

Are you a personal style blogger?  Want to be featured?  Make sure you fill out your deets here, so that we can feature you!

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Building Up My Eyeglasses Collection with

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You know, for the longest time, it never occurred to me to have more than one pair of glasses at a time. It never occurred to me to mix and match my frames with my outfits and moods. Seriously, it really never did until I posed an eyeglasses question to you all of you over on the Curvy Fashionista Facebook Page!

As I asked, many of you were in the same boat, but some of you had upward 10 pairs to play in and I was taken aback! I mean, it was like my eyes opened and I could see the varied possibilities! After I added these Michael Kors frames from to the mix, I wanted to play with more! I wanted frames in green, purple, black, and everything in between! I wanted some that fade into different colors and that had cool face fitting shapes!

Messy Hair, Don’t Care!

Building Up My Eyeglasses Collection with


Who would have thought that adding a few new pairs to the mix would do so much!

And honestly, I have to thank and share with you my latest additions! I am not to ten pairs yet, but I imagine over the next year, this will easily be achieved! Right? LOL. I am currently at four pairs now!

My two latest additions are by their house brand, Derek Cardigan, the Derek Cardigan 7005 in Lilac! I must say that with my complexion and new hair color, these frames look a bit darker than advertised, but I love it:

Building Up My Eyeglasses Collection with

and Derek Cardigan 7039 in Black!

Building Up My Eyeglasses Collection with

OBVIOUSLY I am digging the cat eye silhouette! Obviously.

BUT! In addition to these two additions, I got this interesting new reflection coating on my frames. I am a huge proponent for protecting the eyes, and hooked me up with KODAK BlueReflect lenses on my frames to protect the eyes! With the increase use of our smartphones and technology, many people do not realize the health effects that these digital screens have on us. It is funny because in some pictures, their reflection looks kind of purple, like my new glasses (center in pic below)! LOL

Building Up My Eyeglasses Collection with

Also!!! Derek Cardigan also just launched the Grammar Collection! The collection features classic shapes, key hole detailing and finished with colon and semi-colon symbols on the temples. Totally appealing to the geek chic in me!

But I do have a few more faves from that I have to add to my collection. Can I share them with you? Please let me! LOL

My Favorite Frames from

By Rows:

Derek Cardigan AF 7528 Wood, Calvin Klein CK7893 003 Crystal Moss,
Colors In Optics Millie C970 OXF Black Fade, Derek Cardigan AF 7505 White Clear
Chloe CE2600 316 Striped Green, Kam Dhillon 3087 Sahara

I must share, this is not a sponsored post. While they sent me a few frames, I am so geeked about the ease of this process and the options I get to play in! So I had to share it with you!

And who is down for a coupon? Yes boo. How about 40% off?

Receive 40% off house brand glasses. Use code COASTAL40 at checkout, only at Hurry, offer ends 9/30! 

How many of frames do you own? How many glasses are you looking to add? Have you shopped Where do you get your frames from?

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Friday, September 18, 2015

About shoes

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Manchmal ertappe ich mich dabei, dass ich gerne andere Leute über meine neugekau ften Sch uhe, Tasche oder Kleidung nach ihrer Meinung frage. Den ganzen Sommer lang war ich auf der Suche nach Sandalen, die nicht nach Mode die Beine länger machten und den Fuß schmaler wirken lassen, also solche, bei denen die Riemen nur im Bereich der Zehen vorkommen und der Rest des Fußes offen ist. Es ist mir gelungen auf dieses erträumte Modell erst vor zwei Wochen zu stoßen. Leider wird das Wetter von Tag zu Tag mieser und ich befürchte, dass ich mich an den Schuhen nicht mehr lange erfreuen kann. Ich wartete schon seit langem auf den Herbst, doch diese Schuhe haben es tatsächlich geschafft, dass es mir nichts ausmachen würde etwas länger auf die neue Jahreszeit zu warten. Ich denke, dass diese Einstellung ziemlich gesund ist. Anfangs war ich skeptisch, was ich bei mir absolut nicht mag. Ehrlich gesagt gab es mal eine Zeit wo ich gerne die Meinung der Anderer zur Kenntnis genommen habe und danach meine eigene vielleicht modifiziert habe. Doch als dieses Jahr Schuhe, die man früher nur zu Hause trug oder eventuell im Schwimmbad, jetzt das absolute Highlight sind und sie man sogar zu Anzügen oder eleganten Kleidern trägt, dann habe ich irgendwie das Interesse verloren andere nach ihrer Meinung zu fragen. Man braucht tatsächlich nur einen Fingerschnippen von irgendwo da oben und der Geschmack ändern sich um 180 Grad. Es hat so viele Jahre gedauert den Männern beizubringen, dass es das letzte ist Sandalen mit Socken zu tragen und jetzt ist ist es die Crème de la Crème weiße Socken mit Badelatschen zu tragen. Ähnlich ist es mit Sandalen, die ich früher nur in Krankenhäusern oder bei Verkäuferinnen gesehen habe, also da wo man auf Arbeit einfach viel Läuft. Keine Fashionista würde es sich erlauben nichtmal beim runtergehen zum Briefkasten darin ertappt zu werden, geschweige so auf die Straße zu gehen. Und wieder ein Fingerschnippen und die größten Modeikonen tragen diese Sandalen mit stolz auf der Straße. Und das nicht nur zur Je ans oder Shorts...

Also, was nutzt es andere, dessen Geschmack Zeitungen bestimmen, zu fragen, was sie von meinen Schuhen halten. Jetzt kann ich enorme Kritik sammeln und nächstes Jahr schnippt Jemand mit seinen Fingern und alle werden mich anflehen, die Adresse des Ladens zu verraten....
Czasami Å‚apiÄ™ siÄ™ na odruchu pytania innych o zdanie na temat moich nowych butów, torebki, czy jakiegoÅ› ciucha. Sama siÄ™ za to ganiÄ™. CaÅ‚e lato szukaÅ‚am sandałów, które niezgodnie z aktualnÄ… modÄ… wydÅ‚użaÅ‚yby moje nogi i sprawiaÅ‚y, że stopa wydaje siÄ™ węższa, czyli takich, których paski zakrywajÄ… tylko okolice obok palców natomiast wszystko, co wyżej zostaje odsÅ‚oniÄ™te. UdaÅ‚o mi siÄ™ trafić na mój wymarzony model niecaÅ‚e dwa tygodnie temu, pech chciaÅ‚, że pogoda nie współgraÅ‚a i nie mogÅ‚am siÄ™ nimi wystarczajÄ…co nacieszyÄ ‡. CaÅ‚k iem możliwe, że niewielu z was podziela moje zdanie, ale widok tych butów wciąż cieszy moje oko i choć nie mogÅ‚am siÄ™ doczekać jesieni, sprawiÅ‚y one, że chciaÅ‚abym, by poczekaÅ‚a ze swoim nadejÅ›ciem choć jeszcze kilka chwil. I myÅ›lÄ™, że to podejÅ›cie jest jak najbardziej prawidÅ‚owe. PoczÄ…tkowo byÅ‚am sceptyczna, nie lubiÄ™ tego u siebie. Ale powiem wam szczerze, że o ile kiedyÅ› jeszcze lubiÅ‚am wsÅ‚uchiwać siÄ™ w zdanie innych i moje podejÅ›cie ewentualnie korygować. Ale, gdy w tym roku weszÅ‚a moda na buty, które kiedyÅ› wszyscy nosili tylko na basen lub po domu, a w obecnej chwili panuje jedno wielkie wspólne podniecenie odnoÅ›nie tego obuwia, które jest zakÅ‚adane nawet do eleganckich sukienek, czy garniturów, to ja dziÄ™kujÄ™ takim osobom. Wystarczy jedno pstrykniÄ™cie kogoÅ› tam na modowej górze i gusta zmieniajÄ… siÄ™ o 180 stopni. No bo tyle lat walczyÅ‚o siÄ™ z facetami, by nie nosili skarpet do sandałów, a tu nagle ze wszystkich gazet o modzie, aż krzyczy, że szczytem finezji sÄ… klapki basenowe poÅ‚Ä…czone z biaÅ‚ymi skarpetami. Podobnie z sandaÅ‚ami typu Birkenstock, wczeÅ›niej takowe widywaÅ‚am jedynie na szpitalnych korytarzach, czy u paÅ„ w sklepie, którym przede wszystkim ma być wygodnie. Å»adna "modnisia" nie wyszÅ‚aby w tym nawet po pocztÄ™ na parter. I znowu - pstryk - i najwiÄ™ksze ikony w dziedzinie ubierania siÄ™ pomykajÄ… w tymże obuwiu dumnie po mieÅ›cie. I żeby jeszcze do spodenek, czy dżinsów...

I jak mam wierzyć opiniom ludzi, którzy za sprawą kilku artykułów w gazecie potrafią zmienić swój gust tak drastycznie? Przecież w tym sezonie mogą mnie zrugać za tak niemodne buty, a za rok będą błagać mnie o adres sklepu, bo znowu ktoś pstryknął...
There are still moments, when I want to know others opinion about my new shoes, bag or clothes. The who le summer I've been looking for old-fashioned sandals, that means such ones, that make the leg longer and the foot appear more narrow. A model with strips only by the toes area and the rest of the foot uncovered. I found my dream-pair two weeks ago, because the weather is getting worse and worse I am not sure if I can enjoy them long. I was waiting for autumn for so long, but the shoes actually made me to want summer for a little bit longer. I'd use to listen to others opinion and modify my own. But this year everything has changed. This year shoes, that earlier everyone used to wear at home or at the swimming pool became so hot, that people started to wear them to suits or elegant dresses. Only one finger snap was enough to changed everyones taste for 180 degrees. Earlier a fashionista wouldn't go even to check the mail in that kind of shoes, now they are walking down the street proud wearing them and not only with shorts or jeans. It took so long to explain men, that they shouldn' t wear socks to sandals...

How can I trust others opinion, that is created by fashion magazines? My sandals may gather a lot of criticism now and next year, when someone snap with his fingers, the same people will bag me for reavealing the adress of the shop...

Große Größen Plus Size Fashion Blog

Shirt - Primark | Hose - MS Mode | Schuhe - Hush Puppies | Tasche und Tuch - Primark | Armband - Ernsting's family | Uhr - Timex

Bluzka, torebka i chustka - Primark | spodnie - MS Mode | buty - Hush Puppies | bransoletka - Ernsting's family | zegarek - Timex

Shirt, bag and scarf - Primark | pants - MS Mode | shoes - Hush Puppies | bracelet - Ernsting's family | watch - Timex

Große Größen Plus Size Fashion Blog Große Größen Plus Size Fashion Blog
Große Größen Plus Size Fashion Blog
Große Größen Plus Size Fashion Blog Große Größen Plus Size Fashion Blog
Große Größen Plus Size Fashion Blog
Große Größen Plus Size Fashion Blog Große Größen Plus Size Fashion Blog
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