It's more then just money and fame to's my ME time. You see I am a proud single mother of 2. One is an autistic teenager and the other is a sassy toddler so you can imagine all the action around my house. Besides modeling I do several other jobs from my home while I care for my kids. Any stay at home working mother will tell you that a full day with kids is not a easy task and at times the stress levels are unbearable but being a mom is one of my favorite titles.

When I get booked for a job it brings me joy to just get out the house. Nothing like a break from it all. Over 8 years ago modeling helped me get out a time of depression and it always seems to boast my spirits when I am down. I am always a giver and barely do for myself so modeling pushes me to stop and enjoy myself if only for a few hours. Some folks are good at doing that on their own BUT I need a push and God introduced me to this field to assure I celebrate myself. For those that personally know me I am super low key and not the typical "self centered model" people expect. I have insecurities like the rest of the ladies and through the support of complete strangers I have learn to love those flaws that haunt me for many years.
In my 8+ years of modeling I never had a close friends, family or even a ex-boyfriend attend ANY of my shows or events. At times that makes me very sad especially when time and time again I come and leave alone to events while other models are greeted by love ones but God reminds me that this is ALL about me anyways and the times on set or on stage are the ME break I need in my life to stay positive through the storms.

I doubt that I will do this forever but for now I am truly enjoying the journey and the many lessons learned. The times spent on set or backstage are usually filled with joy, good energy and laughter...we can all use a dose of that in our lives.

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