Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#MoreofPLUS – Size Diversity in Entertainment

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68.5% of adults in America are overweight or obese –

Yet less than 1% of lead characters in film and tv are plus size!

Because of the significant lack of plus size representation within the media, PLUS+ is launching the #MoreofPLUS – Advocating for Size Diversity in Entertainment.  This campaign wants to encourage decision makers in the industries to create more opportunities for plus size talent, as well as encourage plus size talent to pursue their dreams.

The Size Diversity Challenge

Art imitates Life – But NOT when it comes to size diversity in entertainment! 68.5% of adults in America are overweight or obese – Yet less than 1% of lead characters in film and tv are plus size talent.

Lack of Size Diversity Effects

  • According to (NEDA) Natl Eating Disorder Association  impossible standards of beauty (lack of size diversity) in media contributes to the development of body dissatisfaction and a drive for thinness (Not a drive to be healthy – but a drive to be thin) which is one of the most well know risk factors for eating disorders

The Goal

  • Encourage Entertainment decision makers to be inclusive of different body types by creating more opportunities for plus size talent.   We want them, to show that everyone has story worth telling (no matter their race, orientation, gender, or waist size)

How You can Help

  • In Social Media Share photos/Videos of your favorite plus size talent (and why) using the hashtag #MoreofPLUS, tag @PlusPositivity in your posts and we will share the best responses!
  • Nominate your favorite plus size celeb/person of influence to be featured in a #MoreofPLUS article
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