Friday, August 28, 2015

Fashion Blogger Spotlight: Katie of Toodaloo Katie

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Hope you enjoyed last week’s spotlight on plus size blogger Jolene of Boardroom Blonde.  Today, we keep the fun going as we meet up with British blogger Katie of ToodalooKatie.  Describing her style as a bit quirky, Katie loves showing off her inked thighs.  On her blog, Katie shares her personal style, tries out various beauty products, and offers lifestyle tips.  She is a plus size blogger YOU NEED TO KNOW!!

Meet Katie of Toodaloo Katie!

Fashion Blogger Spotlight:  Katie of Toodaloo KatieBlog:
Age:   26
Location:   United Kingdom

How long have you been blogging? 5 and 1/2 years

What or who inspired you to become a fashion blogger? What led you to it?
Back in 2010, I started my blog as part of my big life changing plan, where I put a second university degree on hold to spend a year in Paris, France exploring. As I did a bit of research, I discovered some amazing American and European plus size bloggers who inspired me to start documenting my daily outfits and style. I have always loved writing and sharing, and my personal style has always been a bit quirky so it made sense.

I never could have anticipated the amazing response, friendships and community that came out of blogging as soon as I moved to France. To this day, being part of the plus size community in France, then the UK and soon back in Canada, encourages me and keeps me inspired.

Fashion Blogger Spotlight:  Katie of Toodaloo KatieDo you blog full-time, for fun, as a hobby? Share your evolution!
I blog as a hobby but dream of having the time to do it full time. I would only go full time if I knew that I could invest the time properly into launching. I never want to take my blog for granted and always want my content to be interesting and exciting, so until I can put the time in to prepare myself for that, I will wait and continue to dream.

What is your favorite asset? Your legs, arms, waist? How do you play that up?
I have so many things that I love about my body – I haven’t always but through time and really working through my insecurities I have come to love a lot of me.

I love my legs and my thighs – since getting tattoos on my thighs I have a renewed love for my lower half.  I can’t wait to get them out at any chance I get.

Fashion Blogger Spotlight:  Katie of Toodaloo KatieWhat are the challenges, if any, you face regarding being plus size and/or your height?
At 5’5” I struggle as I would love to do more modeling but the industry is so restrictive. I have worked with smaller independent brands but agencies and larger brands are hard to convince.

My only other thought about height and the negatives is that I sometimes find that other people have a tendency to perceive shorter plus size with being “cute” over “sophisticated” in a more corporate setting. When I wear office wear, I find that I often feel as though people don’t see it on me the way that they do on a taller person who maybe exudes more of a presence due to their height – I can’t decide if this is directly related to height though.

What’s your favorite thing about being plus size and/or your height?
I just am comfortable with my height, and can’t imagine being taller or shorter. Although it sometimes means getting clothing hemmed, there is something nice about customizing something to fit you right – it feels special.

What’s your favorite thing about being a blogger?
The community that I am part of has always been number one. The friends I have made and the experiences that we have been afforded thanks to our little corners on the internet are amazing. I had the opportunity to do a shoot in Devon, UK with my bestie blogger Hollie from Pretty Big Butterflies, and it was amazing. We stayed in an incredible hotel on the beach, did a shoot in our bare feet in the sand and really got to experience something that I think is generally reserved for models and the upper echelon.

Fashion Blogger Spotlight:  Katie of Toodaloo KatieWho/what are your favorite designers/brands?
This is so hard as I love so many, so I have broken it down and hope that I haven’t missed anything major!
– Everyday: Asos Curve, Yours Clothing, Debenhams, Simply Be, Eloquii
– Designer: Navabi
– Budget: George at Asda (Walmart) – so many amazing budget friendly pieces and their A/W 15 is so good – keep an eye out.
– Quirky: Modcloth – I love that their plus size collection has lots of fun prints and cuts, and they offer a great variety of more individual pieces.
– Active Wear: State of Mind Active – I actually love their lounge/work out trousers – they stay up, are high waisted and look great. I can also bend over without my butt getting free – always a bonus!

Describe your personal style.
My style has always been a mish-mash of different things. I love to stay on trend and follow what’s happening in fashion, but will always add bits and bobs that I find a bit more quirky to my outfits. I want to stand out and look stylish but also look put-together and like myself. I love midi skirts and cute tops, and am fond of a good crop top in the Summer.

I love fun jewelry and tattoos too!

Which bloggers inspire you? Plus or straight size! Any bloggers currently on your radar?
It would be very hard to name just one, but here are some of my favorites: Hollie from Pretty Big Butterflies, Margot from Margot Meanie, Stephanie from Nerd About Town, Karen from Killer Kurves, and Gaelle from The Curvy and Curly Closet.

What do you think about where plus size fashion is today versus a few years back?
I have noticed a massive difference in plus size fashion in Europe with the USA and then Canada following a bit slower behind. All of a sudden we are seeing areas that never had plus size options, like bikinis, bridal wear and big busted lingerie to name only a couple becoming important. Brands like Eloqui doing 26 + lookbooks and plus sizes on the catwalks. Although we have a long way to go, I feel that my options are much less limited to what they were even just 5 years ago now. I think considering all the trials and stigma attached to the plus size industry, it has made strides in the last few years, and I can’t wait to see where we are in another 5.

Fashion Blogger Spotlight:  Katie of Toodaloo KatieWhat do you think or hear from readers, is one of the biggest myths about plus size fashion?
For me, the myth that I hear the most often is that only certain sizes can wear certain types of clothing. GET OUT! I hate this idea that something is reserved for someone smaller, taller, shorter or whatever. If you like something, wear it – better yet, if it makes you feel good, then most definitely wear it.

Are you working on anything or have anything to share? Anything else you want The Curvy Fashionista’s readers to know?
Follow me on Instagram – some weeks, thanks to work, I am less busy on my blog, but I always update my Instragram, so connect with me there too!

Be sure to check out Katie’s blog at!!

Do you dig her style? Which look is your fave? Let’s talk about it below!!

Are you a personal style blogger?  Want to be featured?  Make sure you fill out your deets here, so that we can feature you!

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Have You Registered for the #TeamAtlanta St Jude’s Walk Yet?

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Hey boo! Remember when I told you about the ULTIMATE curlBOX Meet-Up? No? Well let me give you a quick recap and remind you to register or DONATE!

The Players


This fab subscription service is an affordable and simple way for all of my naturally curly people out there to try out products that can help them to tame their curls and rock beautiful natural hairstyles.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

St Jude is renowned worldwide as being THE place for chronically ill children to go for help. It is where doctors send their toughest cases. Why? Because they have developed a reputation for getting results where others have been unable to. In fact, they have the highest survival rate for even the most aggressive types of childhood cancer. They are truly doing great work in the battle against cancer.

The Event

TCF GIVES BACK with the 2nd Annual ULTIMATE curlBOX Meetup with St. Jude’s: I am Your Atlanta St. Jude’s Give Thanks Walk Team Captain!The #ULTIMATEcurlBOXMeetUp for the St. Jude Gives Thanks walk event is a collaboration between these two organizations. Last year, they were able to raise over $18,000 for childhood cancer research! Amazing, right! Well, this year, we are doing it again and the goal is to raise $25,000). Teams all over the nation are forming for the event that is going down on September 26th (or the 19th for some areas) and I have been selected as the captain for #TeamAtlanta. Let me tell you, I am sooo hyped to be able to play a role in such an amazing, important, and heartfelt campaign. I hope that you will join me as we try our best to reach our team goal of $2000. I KNOW that we can do this! So join me in Atlanta on September 26th at Lenox Mall.

Registering is simple!

Want to join me in Atlanta or DONATE?

Register here for #TeamAtlanta!

Just visit the Atlanta curlBOX page and sign up to walk OR donate. Want to walk but live outside of Atlanta? No worries! There are teams in additional cities. Just visit for all of the deets!

Curious about last year’s event? You can check out the fun pics by searching #ultimatecurlboxmeetup on Instagram.


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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Crop and Stripes...

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Top-Eloquii, Skirt-Modcloth(Similar and Similar), Shoes-Old(Love these)


There is nothing more playful than a sliver of skin with a high-waisted midi skirt. I know the world of fashion maybe experiencing midi fatigue, but I don't know if they will ever get old to me. Earlier this summer I wore this skirt with a more everyday look, but I wanted to spice it up a bit with this crop top from Eloquii. Versatility is the key to creating a great wardrobe!

I have mentioned that pairing a crop top with a high waisted skirt is an easy way to "rock the crop" but hopefully this will inspire someone to try it!!! I am heading to Afro Punk this weekend. I am so excited to have my first weekend of major relaxation!

What do you do to spicy up items in your wardrobe?

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Friday, August 14, 2015

Help! Ich brauche euren Rat!

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Das trübe Wetter ist vergangen und endlich herrscht der Sommer im vollen und ganzen. In dieser Jahreszeit ist eine Sonnenbrille ein absolutes Must Have für mich. Es war schon immer ein Problem für mich eine gute Sonnenbrille zu finden. Erstens war ich nie sicher wegen der Form und zweitens - waren sie immer zu eng. Ich habe ein ziemlich breites Gesicht und viele Sonnenbrillen fangen nach ein Paar Minuten Tragzeit zu drücken. Ich habe eine geliebte Sonnenbrille doch ich wollte unbedingt noch eine, weil ich Brillen ziemlich schnell verliere.

Da ich es nicht bevorzuge Stundenlang im Optiker jeder Brille anzuprobieren schaute ich mich im Internet um, ob ich irgendwo eine Brille online bestellen kann. Bei dieser Suche bin ich auf gestoßen und mir gefiel sofort die Tatsache, dass ich mir die Gewünschte Länge der Brillenfassungen angeben konnte. Ich habe meine geliebte Brille in der ich mich gut fühle gemessen und schon waren alle zu kl einen Br illen weg von der Seite. Sehr bequem. Bei allen Brillen konnte ich selbst entscheiden, wie meine Brillengläser aussehen sollten. Ich bestimmte nicht nur die Farbe, sondern auch den Grad der Tönung und ob sie die Gläser verspiegelt, selbsttönend oder polarisierend sein sollen. Doch das beste kommt noch. Ich konnte mein Foto hochladen und eine virtuelle Anprobe machen.

Nun, da ich mir bei der Brillenwahl ziemlich unsicher bin beschloss ich euch mal zu fragen, welche von den Brillen mir am meisten steht? Unten habe ich Screen Shots der Ergebnisse von der virtuellen Anprobe der Brillen, die ich gut fand, hinzugefügt. Bitte helft mir doch und nennt die Nummer der Brille, die mir am besten steht, ich verspreche, dass ich euch dann meine bestellte Brille auch zeige :) Ich stelle dazu das Foto der virtuellen Anprobe ein und wir gucken, ob die auch der Realität entspricht :)
Pochmurne dni wreszcie się skończyły i lato rozpanoszyło się na dobre. O tej porze roku okulary przeciwsłoneczne są u mnie absolutnym musem. Odkąd pamiętam znalezienie tych odpowiednich sprawiało mi spory kłopot. Nigdy tak naprawdę nie byłam pewna jaki kształt oprawek najbardziej do mnie pasuje, gorszym problemem był jednak fakt, że mam dość szeroką twarz i większość okularów po kilku minutach noszenia zaczyna mnie cisnąć.

Przyznam, że nie lubię stać u optyka i przymierzać wszystkich okularów w nadziei, że któreś okażą się odpowiednie. Postanowiłam znaleźć ciekawy sklep internetowy. Wybór padł na niemiecki Miłe było, że mogłam podać szerokość moich ulubionych okularów, w których się dobrze czułam i filtr pozostawił na stronie tylko te oprawki, które powinny pasować. Prócz samych oprawek mogłam wybrać sobie kolor i rodzaj szkieł. Fajną opcją okazała s ię wirt ualna przymiarka.

A zatem... wybrałam kilka oprawek, które są szerokie i które wydają mi się w miarę okej. Zamieściłam wyniki mojej wirtualnej przymiarki na dole. I teraz prośba do was - doradźcie, które z nich będą pasowały do mnie najlepiej . Obiecuję, że gdy tylko przyjdą pokażę się w nich. Dodatkowo dodam zdjęcie z wirtualnej przymiarki i zobaczymy na ile jest wiarygodna :)
The cloudy weather has passed and finally it is real summer. On of my biggest mus haves for this season are sunglasses. Since I can remember I always had a lot of troubles with finding the perfect one. I never was quite sure if the shape fits me and unfortunately I have a quite wide face and almost every pair of sunglasses is to small.

Lately I found a German online shop with a big variety of sunglasses, I could type the width o f my favorite glasses and a filter canceled all items that were smaller. How comfortable! Well, I have chosen a few pairs of sunglasses I found quite okay and made a virtual try-on. Now it's up to you, could you tell me which pair looks the best on me? I promise to show you the glasses on me when their arrive. I will also attach the picture from the virtual try-on so we can have a look how it corresponds to reality :)

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Monday, August 10, 2015

Review: Eloquii’s Extended Sizing

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Last night I posted on Instagram that I had gone a wee bit overboard with purchasing new items from Eloquii. I’ve been checking them out since their relaunch, and I was really happy to see that they began extending their size range from 14-24 to 14-28 in select styles. I wasn’t in the market, at the time, to get those items though. I also was a little apprehensive about the sizing. Since I wear their new top size, I figured that the items would most likely be too small. I don’t know why I thought this… I guess because finding items that fit at Lane Bryant was even an issue, so I assumed a new(er) brand would fit even worse. First they came out with skirts and pants, but now they’ve started offering more types of items and styles.

I decided to try out a skirt and a dress at first. When those fit really well, I went for other tops, pants, and jackets. I think I bought maybe 10-12 pieces in the span of 2 weeks, which is a lot, but I also got them at really good prices (around 40-50% off of each item). Eloquii has the best sales, so keep an eye out for them. Anyway, long story short: people expressed that they’d like to hear more about the fit of the extended sizes. Like I was, they were nervous to try them out, so here are a few items that I purchased and my thoughts on the fit.

A note about my shape: I’m 5’4″ with a pretty long torso compared to my legs. I carry the majority if my weight in my lower abdomen, hips, and backside. I also have large arms that make fitting into some tops hard.


Textured Strip Fit and Flare Dress

I feel like this dress looks much better in person than it does in this photo. I really like the shape and material of this dress. It’s a good medium weight with plenty of stretch. It hits me below the knee. The waist is dropped lower than most other dresses that I have, so I like that it is a different shape for me. For people taller, the line might hit them at the upper waistline. I see this as a great dress for work, so the high neckline is a plus. I plan on playing around with jackets, sweaters, and belts for different looks with this dress.


Kady Fit Pant in Black Forest

I really love the fall colors they are putting out with this fit. I got this color, which is a beautiful deep blue-green, and the Merlot. In the extended sizes, Eloquii only offers this pant in their regular inseam. If you are size 14-24, they offer petites and talls. The inseam works well for me, but I am 5’4″. I could imagine that this would be short on taller people. I am using up the entire width of the pant though, so if you are smaller than me then it might lay differently. Fitwise, the legs fit me perfectly, but the waist, right at the closure, was a little tight. The fabric does have some stretch, so I was able to still wear them. I might have to reinforce the button because they are a little tight. As you can see in my side pic though, I’m at my widest at the closure, so it makes sense that it’s tighter there.


Classic Faux Leather Moto Jacket in Wine

With this piece worn open, it’s almost a little big on me, mostly because there is extra room in the shoulders and arms. I do like it a lot though, and once I’m wearing sweaters and bulkier clothing, I’ll be happy for the extra room. I like how high quality this piece it. The sleeves have zippers at the wrist, so I unzipped those and rolled up the sleeves. Rolled down, the sleeves are a little long on me, which is very typical for how items fit me. eloquiitopandskirtsize28

Printed Full Midi Skirt and Empire Flare Top

I promise I have legs under that skirt. I also promise that it hits me right below the knees. Besides the bad angle, I really like this skirt! I could have probably sized down once, and I’m finding that might be the case for most of their skirts (I have another on the way, so I’ll see then). Because this skirt is not form-fitting, you’re really trying to size it to wear it will sit on your body. Since it’s on my waist, I could go down one, but this still works too. The fabric on the skirt will keep its shape and not wrinkle. It has has a good bit of stretch. Definitely a comfortable piece!

The top is a style that I would wear to work. The sleeves sit on a weird part of my arm, but they are meant to be 3/4. Again, with sleeves mostly running too long on me, this makes sense. I might have it altered. This top felt like it was made for the shape of my body. I appreciate tops that have more space around the hip area :).
eloquiitopsize28Ponte Faux Leather Peplum Top

I was worried that this top’s sleeves would be too short, but they fit all right. For the most part I like the fit of this top. Next time I would wear it with jeans that had a higher rise so that my waistband wouldn’t create a crease. I’d also like another inch or two on the hem so that if this top rides up then it will look okay. This top along with the dress shows me that my waistline is a little higher than their fit.

Overall, I’m excited to have another option for finding items that fit (and fit well!). I feel like my work wardrobe is already much better just for the options that the Kady pant offers. Good bye days of only wearing black or gray pants! 

Have any of you tried Eloquii in the extended sizes? If you have a different shape or height than me, it’d be great to hear about your experience with their items!

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

fierybiscuts: Woke up at 5:00 AM for no real reason so I’m...

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