Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Real Women Repeat - An Ode to the Plus Size Style Replay

HTML email (plussizebabydolldress.blogspot.com)#DressAndRepeat your plus size clothes for maximum wardrobe versatility
Every day women across the world do something some consider scandalous…

We wear outfits a second time. Or even (gasp) a third.

Everyone does it. Come on, admit it. You do it too. So why don’t people talk about it? It’s like a dirty little fashion secret.

The fact of the matter is that 99% of us have limited closet space.  Probably a fixed shopping budget too. So maximizing our wardrobe becomes key in looking great every day. This means, we [have to] wear specific items, and even full outfits, again and again.

So I’m just going to come out and do it. I’m daring women of the world to be proud of the styles they keep in heavy rotation.  Have something you love that ALWAYS looks amazing? Yes! Brava!! I congratulate you.

I’m starting new hashtag. Yup, a hashtag that stands up and screams to the world. It says “hey world, I’m wearing this outfit AGAIN and I STILL LOVE IT! WOOHOO!!”

Meet #DressAndRepeat.

It’s a friendly little hashtag. Putting us in the sisterhood of fashion life. A hashtag that can bond us together, closet to closet across this great wide world.

So, from now on,  when you recycle an  outfit or give a fashion favorite a new life, share a pic and tag it


Simple as that.

 #DressAndRepeat dares us all to strip away the shame of “wearing it again!”

Don’t be embarrassed strutting your stuff in that black dress that, really does, work just as well for a Brunch with  the Girls as it does on a super sexy date.

#DressAndRepeat with your plus size dresses
Wear it. Own it. Snap a pic. And tag it.


I’ve started off my #DressAndRepeat with two exmaples of times I’ve proudly recycled my outfits. Check out these two pictures wearing SWAK Designs dresses. 

The first plus size dress? A basic black bodycon that, to this day, is still a wardrobe favorite of mine. I wear it ALL the time. The second? A white plus size dress perfect for a variety of spring or summer occasions. I happened to wear mine to the same event (yes, you heard me, the exact same event) two years apart. Did I care? Nope! Did I love the dress each time? You bet I did!!

I #DressAndRepeat. Do you?

- Repost by plussizebabydolldress.blogspot.com -

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