Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What is an agency model and what is a freelance model?

HTML email ( agency model is a model who is represented by an agent and they are contractually obligated to work together. Usually this agreement can be 1 or 2 years long. The agent will be responsible for some of the following roles; managing your career, shopping you to potential clients, getting you castings/go-sees, offering constructive criticism on your look and style, reviewing your pictures, ordering and designing the layout of your comp cards, arranging your portfolio and assuring that you are being paid in a timely matter. The agent usually receives 10-20% commission; sometimes they will charge you a yearly fee for being on their website and/or to cover any administrative fees. Read you contract in detail for more information.

A freelance model will solely be responsible for doing everything that an agent/agency does. Freelance models tend to work with various “non-exclusive agencies” to seek additional work. Non-exclusive agencies are just that….you don’t need to sign any contact or pay any additional fees. You will only pay the standard commission of 20% if they find you a job.

Think of it like agency model is the chick that is married and the freelance model is simply playing the field and dating around. :-)

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